Star Ash tree game review: Hyper Light's Sister

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  • Explore a beautiful alien landscape with speed and grace as Rei
  • Fishing gear huge anomalies and ancient puzzles to redeem your satellite
  • Slow time, skate happening air, and face death time and time again

Solar Ash

If you played Heart Machine's Hyper Swooning Drifter, you'll already make out that this is a developer therewith nearly aerial combination of ambition and new natural endowment. It's a tiptop 16-bit action-adventure that mixes marvellous challenge with compelling combat to create something truly memorable.

Star Ash tree takes several leaves from the same book, but aside from the glorious color pallet, makes indiscriminate changes to the design that provide thrills when they nail the landing. It May not always follow as elating or as challenging as their previous game, but Star Ash is a solid adventure in his own right.

At nominal value, it takes obvious cues from last year's The Pathless. Not only in the aesthetic, but in the sense of speed and freedom. The way the main eccentric skates graciously across the landscape, hoovering up resources, is incredibly reminiscent of Giant Calamari's adventure – which was coincidentally likewise promulgated by Annapurna Interactive.


The big remainder here is that Star Ash eschews The Pathless's avian companion and bow-based combat for something that feels more immediate and energetic. The main type Rei can fight, although she can't weather many good hits, and you bequeath die an awful lot. You North Korean won't lose currency surgery progress on death, but enemies will respawn and you'll be sent back to the last checkpoint you crossed.

Rei is quick, though. She can unravel, skate, glide and advance herself across the land, double-jumping to reach higher ledges and using her unique gearing to grapple onto distant buy in points, or propel herself towards enemies. Combat is slick and fast, but you'll postulate to have lightning reflexes at multiplication as enemies hit rattling hard (especially in the early game).

Your mission in each of the biomes is to clear our the resident Anomalies, which removes their corruption and allows you to progress. As with The Pathless, these Anomalies take the form of elephantine bestial constructs that must often represent tackled in real time. Rei give the axe use her manag to mounting onto them, and then use a mix of race and time manipulation to pack them down.

Until the sunshine dies

The story is persuasive sufficiency to keep you hurling, as Rei battles to save her dying reality and contends with ancient ethereal beings who have their own agendas. There's a great feel of scale and gravitas to information technology all, although it terminate feel like IT's pickings itself way also seriously at multiplication. Solar Ash tree is at its best when the story falls away and you're off exploring, glide crossways clouds and zipping up towering structures in pursuit of unexampled routes, power-ups, and secrets.

Such a vast world takes time to explore, merely it's worth it. Battle is never quite hard enough to put you inactive tackling the close enemy, and spending a picayune time off the beaten course to search out uninhibited caches can pay back you with carapace upgrades, novel suits, and currency to spend happening permanent buffs when you visit CYD, your channelize through this strange landscape painting.

IT can be difficult to get it on exactly where to run OR what to act up though. Spell you'll unlock Dark Souls-fashio shortcuts that make returning to where you died apiece meter a teensy easier, the target marker isn't forever very accommodating. Sometimes you'll want to lick an environmental get to move on, or make your way skyward something that you may be assumed wasn't climbable.

Peach in destruction

There's a darkness to the world that comes from the near-apocalyptic stage setting, a grim ambience juxtaposed with the bright, relentlessly stunning visuals. It's a landscape painting built from swathes of black shot through explosions of light and color, with a churning sea of cloud at a lower place you and ancient ruins that stretch out into the distant sky.

But there are issues here, besides. E.g., wanting a jump because of the photographic camera or taking a hit from an enemy because you weren't split-intermediate fast enough is frustrating enough. But often the penalisation for these failures is falling to the underside of a yearn, long climb, or being sent back a considerable distance to the last checkpoint. Also, much of the gameplay loop corpse unchanged from the first hour to the last, with few big additions to your armory or the mechanics.

IT's never tedious, precisely, but there were definitely moments in Solar Ash tree's run sentence that needed to act quicker. A more concise sense of direction May have helped, arsenic Solar Ash's world is so open, its pallette indeed prevalent, that the way forward isn't always intuitively light.

Achievements & Completion

Star Ash leave take most around 15 hours to completed. The storey is a decent size, but there's emphatically a reason to drop clip exploring. Collectibles and upgrades are sparse but certainly worth finding.

Arsenic with near games released on both PC and soothe, Solar Ash features trophies and achievements to unlock as you play. Most are consanguineal to story and exploration, and you shouldn't need to a higher degree one playthrough to find them all.

That organism said, there's little reason to play through the story again once you're done unless you genuinely, really enjoyed the world. At that place's no multiplayer ingredient and no extra modes besides the campaign.

Final Thoughts on Solar Ash tree

Looks beautiful
Movement is smooth and rewarding
Respectable fib
A little too serious at times
Not always clear where to operate side by side
Failure lavatory exist frustrating

Final exam Score: 3.5/5

For its vapourous sense of grace and scale, Solar Ash tree is mostly a triumph. It lacks the muscular combat of Hyper Light Drifter, but the movement and exploration constitute for it. With sol many different gameplay elements, Solar Ash can sometimes feel a immature disjointed though. And piece the story is persuasive enough to see you through to the end, it does lean to take itself a trifle too seriously now and then.

It's stunning to look at, though. Rei is an interesting protagonist, while the supporting cast creates intrigue that adds to the central mystery. It's not ever the most thrilling experience, just its fluid movement and sound premise construct it an easy one to urge.

Solar Ash tree is available on PS4, PS5, and PC for around $29.99.

*Disclaimer: This is a recap of the PC version of Solar Ash. Review access was provided by the publisher.